Hi there, and thank you for taking your time to visit my fabulous website! My name is Julia and as you have most likely guessed I am what you could call a pasta lover (or fanatic).
A little bit about myself: Born and raised in Puglia, which most of Americans will recognize as the heel of Italy’s boot. Leaving Italy however, made my love for my country’s traditions and regional cuisine even stronger. Inheriting the passion for cooking that both my nonna and mother possessed, I’ve been making pasta for over 30 years now. I just hope I can continue until I’m an old nonna myself!
Why FabulousPasta.com? There is plenty of information about pasta you can find online, but there is actually too much. When it comes to making pasta, I’ve seen a lot of bad tips, tricks and recommendations. I want to use my hands-on experience to educate my readers and send them in the right direction.
If you’re just new, I recommend reading the following.
- Choosing the best flour for your pasta
- Choosing the best pasta maker that suits your needs.
I have written several extensive reviews about the most popular pasta makers that are available on the market, such as the comparison between the Marcato Atlas and the Cucinapro, and of course everyone’s favorite: the review of the electric Philips Pasta Maker.